Atmospheric Chemistry & Modeling


• We welcome a new graduate student: Mengying Wang 王梦颖


• We welcome a new graduate student: Wanshan Tan 谭婉珊


• Lulu Chen won the Peking University Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship (with Prof. Shu Tao)

• Yuhang Zhang won one award (北京大学优秀学生干部)

• We welcome a new graduate student: Sijie Wang 王思杰

• Junwei Xu won the Peking University Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship

• We welcome a new postdoc: Junwei Xu 许俊玮

• Jintai won Science Bulletin 2020 Best Reviewer Award


• Yuhang Zhang won the Peking University President Scholarship (北京大学校长奖学金)

• Hongjian Weng won the Peking University President Scholarship (北京大学校长奖学金)

• We welcome a new graduate student: Chenghao Xu 徐呈浩

• We welcome a new graduate student: Fangxuan Ren 任芳萱

• Chunjin Li won two awards (北京大学校级三等奖、学习优秀奖)


• Hao Kong won two awards (北京大学校级二等奖、三好学生)

• Hongjian Weng won one award (北京大学优秀学生干部)

• Ruijing Ni won multiple awards (钟盛标研究生论坛二等奖、钟盛标研究生论坛最佳英文口头报告奖)

• Jingxu Wang won multiple awards (北京大学三好学生标兵、学术创新奖、钟盛标研究生论坛三等奖、钟盛标研究生论坛最佳口头报告奖)

• Jingxu Wang won the Peking University President Scholarship (北京大学校长奖学金)

• We welcome a postdoc: Jamiu Adeniran

• We welcome a new graduate student: Yuhang Zhang 张宇航


• Jintai Lin was enrolled in the National Youth Talent Support Program (入选第三批国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才)

• Jintai Lin won the Peking University Wang Xuan Young Scholar Fellowship (北京大学王选青年学者奖)

• Ruijing Ni won the Peking University Merit Student Award (北京大学三好生)

• Mengyao Liu won the Peking University Specialty Scholarship (北京大学专项奖学金)

• Lulu Chen won the Peking University Individual Award - Social Work Award (北京大学单项奖-社会工作奖)

• Hao Kong won the Peking University President Scholarship (北京大学校长奖学金)

• Mingxi Du won the Peking University Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship (北京大学博雅计划博士后奖学金)

• We welcome a new graduate student: Chunjin Li 李春锦

• We welcome a new postdoc: Mingxi Du 杜鸣溪 (北京大学博雅计划博士后奖学金获得者)

• We welcome a new postdoc: Xiaomiao Jiao 焦小淼


• We welcome a new graduate student: Hao Kong 孔浩 (Presidential Fellowship winner 校长奖学金获得者)

• Jintai Lin won the American Geophysical Union Global Environmental Change Early Career Award

• Mengyao Liu gave an invited oral presentation at the GEMS Science Team Meeting, Seoul (title: Explicit and Observation-based Aerosol Treatment in Tropospheric Retrieval of NO2 and Other Tracers)

• Jintai Lin et al. (2014, PNAS) was selected as Distinquished Research Funded by NSFC (2011-2015) 入选国家自然科学基金委资助项目优秀成果选编(六)

• Jintai Lin won the Rising Scientist Outstanding Contribution Award(中国新锐科技人物突出贡献奖)


• Research featured in NSFC megazine <Science Foundation in China> (PNAS paper, Nature Geoscience paper)

• Mengyao Liu gave an invited oral presentation at the GEMS Science Team Meeting, Seoul (title: An improved retrieval algorithm for NO2 & A novel model system to integrate multiple Geostationary Satellite Measurements)

• Mengyao Liu gave an invited oral presentation at the AOGS Annual Meeting, Beijing (title: Influence Of Aerosols And Surface Reflectance On NO2 Retrieval Over China From 2005 to 2015)

• Yingying Yan won the Xie Yibing Youth Meteorological Science and Technology Award (谢义炳青年气象科技奖)

• Yingying Yan won the Presidential Fellowship (校长奖学金)

• We welcome a new graduate student: Hongjian Weng 翁宏健

• We welcome new undergraduate students: Ziwei Wang, Hao Kong, Da Fan, and Yangze Ren

• We welcome new visiting scholars: Yuanzheng Cui, Zhilin Liu, and Lei Sun


• Yingying Yan won the Academic Innovation Award (学术创新奖)

• We welcome a new graduate student: Lulu Chen 陈璐璐


Chen LL et al. Science Bulletin paper:

 - Science Bulletin


Lin JT et al. Nature Communications paper:

 - 北大首页新闻PKU Front Page News

Zhang LQ et al. Nature Sustainability paper (with Jintai Lin as a co-corresponding author):

- Nature Sustainability 封面 

- Nature Research           中国科学报China Science Daily          新浪新闻Sina          知识分子

 - New York Times          CNN          AFP

 - Altmetric (article influence ranking)

Chen SY et al. EST paper:

 - 新华社Xinhua News Agency

Liu X et al. EST paper (with Jintai Lin as a co-corresponding author):

 - 中国能源报China Energy News          中国电力新闻网CPNN          中国储能网ESCN


Shan YL et al. Science Advances paper:

  - Forbes          Science Daily

  - Altmetric (article influence ranking)


Zhang Q et al. Nature paper (with Jintai Lin as a co-corresponding author):

  - 北大首页新闻PKU Front Page News     中国青年报China Youth News          中国气象报China Meteorological News          新华社Xinhua News Agency     其他中文报道Other Chinese Press

   - Nature Asia           Science News          Other Foreign Press

  - Altmetric (article influence ranking)


Jintai Lin et al. Nature Geoscience paper:

  - 新华社Xinhua News Agency          光明日报Guang Ming Daily          其他中文报道Other Chiness Press

  - Nature Geoscience Press Release          Nature World News          Other Foreign Press

  - Altmetric (article influence ranking)


Podcast Interview by PNAS for the Cozzarelli Prize

Liu Z et al. Nature paper:

 - 新华网Xinhua Net          其他中文报道Other Chinese Press

 - Altmetric (article influence ranking) that shows tens of foreign media reports

Jiang XJ et al. EST paper:

  - ACS Press Release


Jintai Lin et al. PNAS paper:

  - We won the 2014 PNAS Cozzarelli Prize !          video

  - 人民日报People's Daily          环球时报Global Times          中国日报China Daily          北大首页新闻Peking University Front Page News

  - Altmetric (article influence ranking) that shows news coverage by tens of foreign media outlets



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